In recent celebration of the Jewish New Year and the Talmudic rituals in Al Aqsa and the Masjid Ibrahimi of Hebron from September 25-27 2022 which triggered clashes with Muslims in Palestine, the Aqsa Working Group delivered the following statement:
- Strongly condemn the celebration of the Jewish New Year and talmudic rituals by the extremists at Al Aqsa and Masjid Ibrahimi, Hebron. In the context of the celebration, the Jewish Zionists restricted Muslims from entering the Al Aqsa, and even closed the Masjid Ibrahimi to Muslims.
- The celebrations and rituals are harassment, blasphemy, terrorism against the sanctity of the Al Aqsa and the Masjid Ibrahimi, and provocative actions that can trigger disputes and even war between religions.
- The celebration of the Jewish New Year at Al Aqsa and the Masjid Ibrahimi also further shows that the Zionists have absolutely no good intention in building peace in the region and the world.
- Calling on Muslims everywhere to respond to the Zionists in Al Aqsa and the Masjid Ibrahimi with various concrete efforts. Especially the neighboring countries of Palestine. Because maintaining the two noble mosques is the responsibility of all Muslims, not only Muslims in Palestine.
- Conquering Al Aqsa is the culmination efforts of the Zionists to realize a Greater Israel. They systematically prevent Muslims who will worship in it and even try to destroy the third holy mosque and replace it with the Solomon Temple.
- There is no person or group more tyrannical than those who prevent people from worshiping in the mosque and even try to destroy it (Al Baqarah: 114).
Thus we convey this statement, may Allah make it easy for us, and count it as a good deed. Thank you for your attention, jazaakumullah khairan jazaa’. Allahu Akbar, Al Aqsa Haqquna.
Jakarta, 27 September 2022
Aqsa Working Group