Press Release

Aqsa Working Group Holds Seminar with Palestinian Ulama

SABANG – Aqsa Working Group (AWG) in collaboration with Al-Aziziyah College of Sharia Sciences (STIS) held an International Seminar with Palestinian Ulama, Sheikh Dr. Umar Abdullah Shalah in Sabang City, Aceh Province on Monday, March 18, 2024.

Sheikh Umar in his presentation in a seminar with the theme “Ramadan, the Month of Palestine Liberation” said the important role of Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip before the war, during the war and after the war in facing Israeli Zionist forces.

“The spirit of the younger generation to defend the Al Aqsa Mosque and Palestine like this must continue to be raised among young people in the Islamic world, including Indonesia. This is because the struggle to liberate the Al Aqsa Mosque and the blessed land of the Prophets, Palestine, is the responsibility of all Muslims,” he said.

Shaikh Dr. Umar also reminded the importance of unity, sincerity and solidarity of the Islamic world in liberating Al-Aqsa and Palestine from colonialism.

“The victory of the Muslims in facing Zionist crimes cannot be realized by sleeping a lot, relaxing and taking it easy. It must be done by working extra hard, improving the culture of literacy, training and education, and uniting the strength of the Muslim community,” he said in front of students and activists.

He felt the strong concern, solidarity and love of the Indonesian people and nation for the Palestinian struggle.

Another speaker, Ali Farkhan Tsani, Al-Quds International Ambassador, alumni of Muassasah Al-Quds Ad-Dauliyah Yemen, explained how Indonesia’s strong and long-standing relationship with Palestine.

“The Indonesian nation has a historical debt for the first recognition of Palestine and the material support of Palestinian businessmen for the struggle for Indonesian independence. So this debt must be paid with support in the form of donations, social media, materials and so on, until Palestine becomes independent.

“We must also continue to increase literacy among the younger generation, especially students regarding Indonesia-Palestine relations,” said Ali Farkhan, who is also a journalist for the MINA News Agency.

He took the example of an Acehnese Muslim woman, Admiral Keumala Hayati, who bravely confronted the Portuguese and Dutch colonialists.

He also said that the strong relationship between Aceh and Palestine can be seen from the sending of aid from the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century to the Kingdom of Aceh, including bringing Palestinian ulama to Aceh.***